
Nutraceutical Ingredients

We have over 300 nutraceutical ingredients available to help you manufacture your next vitamin, supplement, or  powder blend into a variety of dose formats depending on your needs. 

Rain Nutrience offers full-service nutraceutical solutions, from sourcing the best ingredients to providing the bespoke finished products. Our raw nutraceutical ingredients are sourced in a variety of forms and are quality assessed to ensure the integrity of the final product. We work with all of the following nutraceutical ingredients in different forms to suit the formulation for the customer's product and to promote new product development.

Example Ingredients List


Nutraceutical Ingredients

Supplement Ingredients

Quality Ingredients

We set our standards high for the supplement ingredients we source. With our extensive range of quality assurance and food safety accreditations, it is our priority to check and assess the quality of all ingredients we use. As well as being GMP certified which means safe, high-quality supplement ingredients you can also trust all of our production takes place in modern purpose-built clean rooms, to ensure an impeccably hygienic and controlled environment in which to manufacture.

Ingredients to suit your needs

We are accredited supplier of organic and specialty food ingredients including Halal, Kosher and Rainforest Alliance. We can provide ingredients to suit a diverse range of dietary and allergy needs to suit your formulation.

Cutting Edge Food Technologies

Our equipment and quality systems are at the cutting edge of our industry. We have continuously invested in the latest, most advanced systems, and thus provide the highest pedigree of resource within the industry. Our proven quality service coupled with MATCON capability means we can be trusted to deliver, order by order.

Examples of Bulk Ingredients for Nutraceuticals

Acacia gum Camu camu Green papaya Oleifera leaf Shark cartilage
Acai berry Cantaloupe Green tea Olive leaf Shilajeet
Acerola Capsicum Guarana Omega 3 Shitake
Activated charcoal Carrot Hawthorn berry Orange arome Silicon
African mango Cayenne pepper Hemp Oregano Socium bicarbonate
Agaricus CBD Herbidean seaweed Orthinine Sodium chloride
Agnus castus Celadrin Holibasil Oyster Sodium selenite
Alfalfa Celery seed Hops Oyster mushrooms Soy lecithin
Algae Chaga Hordenine Paeseed oil Soya
Amla berry Chamomile Horsetail Panax ginseng Spinach
Aloe vera Cherry Hyaluronic acid Pancreatin Spirulina
Anise seed Chicory root Iodine Papain Spring onion
Apple cider vinegar Chilli flakes Iron Passionflower Stearic acid
Apple Pectin Chitosan Kale Peas Stevia
Apricot kernel Chlorella Kava Kava Peppermint Strawberry
Aronia berry Chloride Kelp Pepsin Sucralose
Artichoke Cinnamon Kibbled onion Phosphatidylcholin Sugar
Ashwagandha Citicoline Kola nut Phytoplankton Sulphur
Asparagus Citrate Kombucha Pine Bark Sultanas
Astragalus Citrus Konjac fibre Pineapple Sunflower
Auricularia Clove bud Lactase Piperine Sweet potato
Bacopa Monnieri Cocoa Lactoferrin Platain Leaf Tapioca starch
Bamboo Coconut Lactoperoxidase Polypodium Theobromine
Baobab Coffee Lactose Pomegrante Thistle
Barley grass Cognivia Lapacho Tea Poppy Tomato
Basil Collagen Lavendar Potassium Tribulus terrestris
Bee pollen Copper Lemon balm Protease Triphala
Beetroot Cordyceps Leucine Prune Turkey tail
Bell chocolate Coriander Lipase Psyllium husk Turmeric
Berry Corn Liqourice Puama root Tyrosine
Beta Alanine Corn starch Lucuma Pumpkin Valerian
Betaine Cranberry Lutein extract Pure Brahmi Vanilla
Bilberry Curcuma Lycopene Pygeum bark Vitamin A
Bitter melon Curcumin Lynside Quassia Vitamin B
Black cohosh Cysteine Lysine Raspberry Vitamin B1
Black Elderberry Dandelion Maca Red beetroot Vitamin B12
Black eyed beans Dates Macqui berry Red clover Vitamin B2
Black garlic Dextrose Magnesium Red grape Vitamin B3
Black maca Echinacea Maitake Red Maca Vitamin B6
Black pepper Egg albumen Manganese BisGlycinate Red quinoa Vitamin B7
Black soy bean Elderberry Mangosteen Red yeast rice Vitamin B9
Black tea Elm Maqui Reishi Vitamin C
Blackberry Faba bean Marigold Rhodiola Vitamin D2
Blackcurrant Fennel seed Marine calcium Rhubarb Vitamin D3
Bladderwrack Fenugreek Maritake Rice Vitamin E
Blue green algae Flaxseed Matcha Rince bran Vitamin K
Blueberry Gac Melatonin Rosehip Vitamin K1
Boron citrate Garcinia cambogia Methionine Rosemary Vitamin K2
Boron glycinate Garlic Methylcobalamin Rubarb Vitamin B5
Boswellia Gaur gum Milk protein Rutin Watercress
Brewers yeast Gauva leaf Milk thistle seed Saffron Wheat bran
Broccoli Gentian root Mixed pepper Sage Wheatgrass
Brown algae Giloy Moringa Salmon Whey protein
Brown flaxseed Ginger Mucuna Pruins Salt White kidney bean
Brown lentils Ginkgo Biloba Mushroom Sea Calcium White onion
Brown rice Ginseng Mustard seed Sea Kelp White quinoa
Brown sugar Glucoamylase Mycelia Sea Moss Wild lettuce
Buckwheat Goji berry Nettle Sea salt Wormwood
Burdock root Grape Nigellin Seabuckthorn Yeast
Butternut bark Green bean Noni fruit Seaweed Yellow iron oxide
Cacao Green coffee bean Nu-mag Selenium YUCCA
Calcium Green Lipped Mussel Oats Serrata Zeaxanthin


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